Read the first exchange of the dialogue. Where are the speakers? Listen, read and check. Dan: Hi, Jo. What’s your dad doing? Jo: He’s installing an alarm system.

Вопрос посетителя

a) Read the first exchange of the dialogue. Where are the speakers? Listen, read and check.
Dan: Hi, Jo. What’s your dad doing?
Jo: He’s installing an alarm system.
Dan: What for?
Jo: Well, there are burglars around here. They’re stealing things from people’s houses.
Dan: Really?
Jo: Yes, you should tell your parents.
Dan: You’re right. They should probably install an alarm, too.
Jo: And you should be careful with your keys. Don’t lose them, or leave them near an open window.
Dan: I didn’t think of that.
Jo: You know there’s a lot of crime in cities these days.
Dan: I think you’re right. We should be careful. Jo: Yeah, better safe than sorry! ,
b) Now answer the questions.
1 What is Jo’s dad doing?
2 What problems do the burglars cause?
3 What advice does Jo give Dan?

Ответ эксперта

They are in one of their homes because one of the boys’ dads is installing an alarm. (Они в одном из их домов, потому что один из отцов мальчиков устанавливает сигнализацию)
1 Jo’s dad is installing an alarm system. (Отец Джо устанавливает систему сигнализации)
2 The burglars are stealing things from people’s homes. (Грабители крадут вещи из домов людей)
3 Jo advises Dan to tell his parents not to leave his keys near an open window and not to lose them. (Джо советует Дэну сказать его родителям не оставлять его ключи около открытого окна и не терять их)

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