Read the extracts below and say whether they are beginnings or endings. What techniques have the writers used to make their writing more effective?

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Read the extracts below and say whether they are beginnings or endings. What techniques have the writers used to make their writing more effective?
1 To sum up, although there are valid arguments against buying second-hand clothes, I feel that there are certainly enough arguments in favour of it. Besides, as the saying goes, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’
2 With the wide variety of exotic pets available in pet stores, the trend seems set to increase. Are you actually doing the right thing, howev er, by taking one of these rare creatures home?
3 All In all, I believe that there are more pros than cons to reusing household items. After all, doesn’t it make sense to save the planet as well as save ourselves quite a large amount of money?

Ответ от эксперта

1 ending technique: use of popular saying (техника концовки: использование народной поговорки)
2 beginning techniques: addressing reader directly + rhetorical question (техника начала: обращаясь к читателю напрямую + риторический вопрос)
3 ending technique: rhetorical question (техника концовки: риторический вопрос)

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