Read the explanations and their examples. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using future simple or future perfect. We use future perfect passive to describe an action that will be finished

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Read the explanations and their examples. Fill in the gaps in the sentences
using future simple or future perfect.
We use future perfect passive to describe an action that will be finished before a certain moment in the future.
will + have + been + V 3) (Past participle)
The future perfect passive is not used very often because it is seldom required by the situation. But when it is used, it is usually followed by the word by.
Example: The book will have been read by
that time.
1 This assignment will have been written by the 1st of November.
2 Don’t worry! Everything will be done on time.
3 The test will have been checked by tomorrow.
4 I am sure I will have been offered a new job by September.
5 He will have been given a chance to re-sit the exam by the end of the school year.
6 We will be given our school certificates by then.

Ответ от эксперта

1 will have been written (Время Future Perfect Passive, т.к. действие будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем)
2 will be done (Время Future Simple Passive)
3 will have been checked (Время Future Perfect Passive, т.к. действие будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем)
4 will have been offered (Время Future Perfect Passive, т.к. действие будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем)
5 will have been given (Время Future Perfect Passive, т.к. действие будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем)
6 will have been given (Время Future Perfect Passive, т.к. действие будет совершено к определенному моменту в будущем)

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