Read the examples. Say them in your language. Which show(s) a difference/ similarity between two people/things! a changing situation? something is increasing?

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the examples. Say them in your language. Which show(s) a difference/ similarity between two people/things! a changing situation? something is increasing?
1 Andrea is getting better and better as the days go by.
2 The older she gets, the more beautiful she becomes!
3 Tony is a bit/slightly/a little better at singing than Sam.
4 Your car is a lot/much more comfortable than mine.
5 She is as clever as her sister.

Ответ от эксперта

1 shows something which is increasing (показывает что-то, что увеличивается)
2 shows a changing situation (показывает изменяющуюся ситуацию)
3 shows a difference between two people (показывает разницу между двух людей)
4 shows a difference between two things (показывает разницу между двух вещей)
5 shows a similarity between two people (показывает сходство между двух людей)

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