Read the essay on p. 55 and number the paragraphs (A- s E) in the correct order (1-5). Listen and check. Which paragraph contains: second viewpoint with reasons/examples?

Вопрос посетителя

Read the essay on p. 55 and number the paragraphs (A- s E) in the correct order (1-5). Listen and check. Which paragraph contains: second viewpoint with reasons/examples? statement of topic and writer’s opinion? opposing viewpoint with reasons/examples? the writer’s opinion in other words? first viewpoint with reasons/examples?

Ответ эксперта

A 3 (second viewpoint with reasons/ examples (вторая точка зрения с причинами/примерами)
B 1 (statement of topic and writer’s opinion (заявление темы или мнение писателя)
C 5 (the writer’s opinion in other words (мнение писателя другими словами)
D 2 (first viewpoint with reasons/examples (первая точка зрения в с причинами/примерами)
E 4 (opposing viewpoint with reasons/ examples (противоположная точка зрения с причинами/примерами)

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