Read the essay and match the paragraphs with the headings. • writer’s opinion • arguments against & justifications • presenting the topic • arguments for

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the essay and match the paragraphs with the headings.
• writer’s opinion • arguments against & justifications • presenting the topic • arguments for & justifications
Should cars be banned from city centres?
Most people would agree that cars have made our lives much easier. They have, however, brought many problems as well. Many people now believe that there should be a total ban on cars from our city centres. Undoubtedly, this suggestion has both advantages and disadvantages.
There are many positive aspects to banning cars from city centres. To begin with, it would help to drastically reduce air and noise pollution. This is extremely important, especially as the carbon dioxide from car exhausts is seriously harming the environment and our health. In addition, it would probably reduce the number of accidents and generally make the city centre a more pleasant place to be.
On the other hand, banning cars totally from city centres would have its disadvantages. Firstly, it would inconvenience millions of people. Cars are faster and more comfortable than public transport and do not follow fixed routes. Also, it is likely that public transport would be much more crowded. If cars were not allowed access to all parts of cities then more people would use public transport.
All things considered, although there are many advantages to using cars in city centres, there is no excuse for people not to use public transport more often than at present. For this reason, I strongly argue that it would be better in the long run if cars were banned from city centres.
Study skills
Writing main body paragraphs Main body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence which introduces or summarises the topic of the paragraph. This sentence is followed by supporting sentences which provide examples or details to support the topic sentence.
Topic and supporting sentences

Ответ от эксперта

1 presenting the topicпредставление темы
2 arguments for & justificationsаргументы за и обоснования
3 arguments against & justificationsаргументы против и обоснования
4 writer’s opinionмнение писателя

Навыки обучения
Написание основной части
Главную часть следует начать с предложения о теме, которая вводит преставление или суммирует тему абзаца. Это предложение следует поддерживать вспомогательными предложениями, которые приводят примеры или детали, чтобы поддерживать тему предложения.
Тема и вспомогательные предложения

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