Read the email. Has Alana included all the necessary points? Email Dear Sir or Madam.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the email. Has Alana included all the necessary points?
Dear Sir or Madam.
I am writing to find out more information about the swimming lessons which I saw advertised in this week’s Student Direct.
First of all. could you send me some information for beginners? For example, how old does a child have to be to join the club and what time are new swimmers accepted on Friday evenings? I have a five-year-old brother, and I was wondering if he could start having swimming lessons at your club this year.
Secondly, would it also be possible for you to send me a timetable of the sessions? Finally, could you also tell me if the annual subscription fee is the same for everybody?
Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Alana Holmes

Ответ эксперта

Alana asked about the lessons for beginners and not about other levels. She asked for a timetable but did not ask specifically about the length of the lessons.
Алана спрашивает о занятиях для новичков, а не о других уровнях. Она спрашивает о расписании, но не спрашивает специально о длительности занятий.

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