Read the dictionary entries. What are these disasters called in your language? What causes each one? Which of them can you see in the pictures A-D? drought — (n) a period of time with no rain

Вопрос посетителя

Read the dictionary entries. What are these disasters called in your language? What causes each one? Which of them can you see in the pictures A-D?
drought — (n) a period of time with no rain
flood — (n) large amount of water that covers an area wliich is usually dry
tornado — (n) a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast
tsunami — (n) a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land
earthquake — (n) a shaking of the ground
cyclone — (n) a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round
avalanche — (n) a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain
hurricane — (n) an extremely violent wind or storm

Ответ эксперта

drought — caused by lack of rain (Засуха — результат отсутствия дождей)
flood — caused by too much water (Наводнение — результат переизбытка воды)
tornado — caused by a tall column of air spinning around (Торнадо — вызвано высокой колонной вращающегося воздуха)
tsunami — caused by an earthquake happening in the sea (цунами — результат землетрясения, произошедшего в море)
earthquake — caused by movement of the earth’s crust (Землетрясение — вызвано движением земной коры)
cyclone — caused by air going round and round during low atmospheric pressure (Циклон — в результате вращения воздушного потока при низком атмосферном давлении)
avalanche — caused by a large amount of unstable snow on a mountain (лавина — вызвана большим количеством нестабильного снежного покрова на горе)
hurricane — caused by low pressure areas formed over warm water (Ураган — вызван областями низкого давления, сформировавшимися над тёплой водой)

Picture A — tornado (Изображение А — торнадо)
Picture B — drought (Изображение B — засуха)
Picture C — earthquake, tornado or hurricane (Изображение C — землетрясение, торнадо или ураган)
Picture D — flood (Изображение D — наводнение))

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