Read the dictionary entries and answer the questions. What types of jobs do you know? What verbs can be used with jobs / profession? What words can be used to speak about:

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Read the dictionary entries and answer the questions.
What types of jobs do you know?
What verbs can be used with jobs / profession?
What words can be used to speak about:
a) looking for a job c) not having a job
b) applying for a job d) having a job
job — work that you do regularly to earn money
Words often used with job:
apply for a job, get a job, find a job, offer someone a job, take a job, do a job, be in a job, be out of job, leave your job, lose your job, job interview, temporary / permanent job, part-time / full-time job, top job
profession — a job that you need special skills and qualifications to do
Words often used with profession:
the teaching / engineering profession, in a profession, go into / enter / join a profession
When we ask people about their job, we usually say «What do you do?», or «What’s your job?» The answer would usually be «I am a…» or «I work as a…», and not «My job is…»

Ответ от эксперта

• temporary, permanent; part-time, full-time: top job
• временная, постоянная; неполный, полный рабочий день: работа топ
• apply, get, offer, take, do, find, be in, be out of, leave, lose job: go into, enter, join a profession
• подать, получить, предложить, взять, сделать, найти, быть в, быть не, оставить, потерять работу: в, войти, присоединиться к профессии

a) get, find a job (получить, найти работу)
b) apply for a job, take a job, job interview (устроиться на работу, принять на работу, собеседование)
c) be out of job, leave your job, lose your job (быть без работы, бросить работу, потерять работу)
d) take a job, be in a job, do a job (принимают на работу, в работу, не работу)

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