Read the dialogues. Agree or disagree with the statements below them. Use the phrases from the box. The first one is done for you. That’s right. I agree with that.

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the dialogues. Agree or disagree with the statements below them. Use the phrases from the box. The first one is done for you.
That’s right. I agree with that.
it’s not like that at all. It’s not really
like that. I can’t agree with that.

1 — Did you make any new friends this summer, James?    ,
— No, but I spent lots of time with my old friends.
2 — What did you do this summer, Alice?
— I babysat for my neighbours. It wasn’t a difficult job, but it took me four hours every day.
3 — Did you spend your summer at home, Julia?
— No, I went to the sea. My grandmother lives there and I spent two wonderful months swimming in the sea, lying in the sun, and helping my grandma in the garden. She grows a lot of different fruits and vegetables there and needs help.
4 — Holiday for me is time for having fun. I never read or learn anything. Do you, Jack?
— Well, reading for me is fun. I don’t think I can go a couple of days without a book.
5 —Did you go anywhere for holiday, Cathy?
— No, I didn’t leave my town, but I had great time there. We often went on a hike. It was fun to live in tents, go fishing, and make campfires.
1 James had no friends. That’s why he felt very lonely this summer.
I can’t agree with that. James didn’t make any new friends but he spent lots of time with his old friends.
2 Alice didn’t have any summer jobs because she doesn’t like doing anything difficult.
3 Julia not only enjoyed herself, but helped her grandmother to grow fruits and vegetables.
4 Jack didn’t read anything while on holiday.
5 Cathy stayed in her town and that’s why her hoi iday was very boring.

Ответ от эксперта

2 It’s not really like that. Alice didn’t have a difficult job, but she babysat for the neighbors. (Это не совсем так. У Эллис не было сложной работы, но она сидела с ребенком соседей)
3 That’s right. Julia not only enjoyed herself, but helped her grandmother to grow vegetables and fruits. (Это правда. Джулия не только развлекалась, но и помогала бабушке выращивать овощи и фрукты)
4 It’s not like that at all. Reading for Jack is fun. (Это совсем не так. Чтение для Джека это радость)
5 I can’t agree with that. Cathy had great time in the town; she often went on a hike. (Я не могу согласиться с этим. Кэти прекрасно провела время в городе, она часто ходила в поход)

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