Read the description of the country and find three factual mistakes. Underline them and correct the information. Consult the information table in Appendix 1 (p. 182 in Student’s Book

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Read the description of the country and find three factual mistakes. Underline them and correct the information. Consult the information table in Appendix 1 (p. 182 in Student’s Book) if necessary.
The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and Northern Island. It is not a big country. It occupies the British Isles which lie off the northwest coast of Europe between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Sea. The total area of the country is only 100 thousand square kilometres. It borders Ireland, and this is the only land border the country has. It also has sea borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries and Canada. The British coast is only 35 kilometres from France and now these countries are linked by tunnel under the English Channel. The capital of the country is London and the major cities are: Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, and others.
If you look at a map of Great Britain, you’ll see lowlands and highlands. The lowlands are mostly in England, in the central part of Scotland and in some areas in south Wales. The highlands are basically in the north. The highest peak in Great Britain is Ben Nevis — it’s 1,343 metres.
The most well-known river in Great Britain is the Thames, because it is the longest river in the country. The largest lake in the United Kingdom is Lough Neagh. This freshwater lake is situated in the centre of Northern Ireland and supplies the whole area with drinking water.

Ответ эксперта

The total area of the country is only 100 thousand square kilometres.
The total area is about 244 thousand square kilometres.
Общая площадь страны составляет всего 100 тысяч квадратных километров.
Общая площадь составляет около 244 тысяч квадратных километров.

It also has sea borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries and Canada.
The UK does not have a land border with Canada.
Она также имеет морские границы с Францией, Нидерландами, Бельгией, скандинавскими странами и Канадой.
Великобритания не имеет сухопутной границы с Канадой.

The most well known river in Great Britain is the Thames, because it is the longest river of the country.
The longest river is the Severn.
Самая известная река в Великобритании — Темза, потому что это самая длинная река страны.
Самая длинная река — Северн.

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