Read the conversation and use the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms. A: I heard the information in the morning news about an anti-globalist demonstration

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Read the conversation and use the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms.
A: I heard the information in the morning news about an anti-globalist demonstration in our town.
В: Did (1) you? Really? I never thought that anything of the kind could ever happen in our quiet place. And what do they want?
A: They protest against the construction of an international airport near our town. They say that intense air traffic will affect (2) the environment and can be dangerous to local people.
B: Do they mean (3) air pollution?
A: Not only. They say that noise pollution is very bad for people too.
B: This argument is difficult to beat. And what does our Civic Council say?
A: They seem to be for that project. They say that it will improve (4) the economic and social situation in the town and in the whole region.
B: And it’s probably true. I know that several businesses in the region went (5) bankrupt and lots of people lost (6) their jobs recently. Constructing the airport and then running it will create (7) plenty of new jobs and lessen (8) the unemployment.
A: I’m not sure it will. Only people with appropriate qualifications will be required (9) for those jobs. And people here don’t meet the requirements, I’m afraid.
B: But they can obtain necessary qualifications. They can take a retraining course. I think people will agree to learn again if afterwards they are offered (10) well-paid jobs.
A: Right. And a good transportation centre will reinforce (11) the economy of the region in general.
B: But how about ecology and pollution?
A: I don’t know, really… The airport is a very controversial issue…

Ответ от эксперта

1. Did;
2. affects;
3. Do they mean;
4. will improve;
5. have gone;
6. have lost;
7. creates;
8. lessens;
9. can require;
10. will be offered;
11. will reinforce.

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