Read the box, then complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. Forming negative adjectives

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Read the box, then complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
Forming negative adjectives
dis- combines with adjectives, nouns and verbs to form adjectives, nouns and verbs, with the opposite meaning. (disinterested, disorder, dislike)
mis- combines with verbs and nouns to form new verbs and nouns describing actions or things one has done wrongly or badly, (misquote, misguided)
1    I was disappointed to learn the children were …… the party yesterday.
2    I can’t find the receipt. I think I’ve……
3    Don’t trust him! He’s a……
4    I’ve had a …….. with my teacher.
5    Some young people are rude and……..their elders.
6    What are the …….. of buying from flea markets?

Ответ от эксперта

1 misbehaving (плохо себя вести)
2 misplaced (положил не туда)
3 dishonest (нечестный)
4 misunderstanding (непонимание)
5 disrespect (неуважение)
6 disadvantages (недостатки)

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