Read the box. Find examples in the text. Are there similar structures in your language? Present Perfect (have + past participle) • for an action that started in the past

Вопрос посетителя

Read the box. Find examples in the text. Are there similar structures in your language?
Present Perfect (have + past participle)
•    for an action that started in the past and continues to the present. He has known Alice for years.
•    for an action which happened at an unstated time in the past and is connected with the present. has met him before. (When? We don’t know.)
•    to give news or talk about sth which happened recently. Ouch! I’ve cut my finger. There are no trains. There’s been an accident.
Present Perfect Continuous (have been + -ing form)
•    to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present. He has been studying English since he was 10.
•    for an action that has recently/just stopped and its results are visible in the present. She has been working all day. She’s tired now.

Ответ эксперта

Present perfect (настоящее завершенное)
• It has always fallen (Оно всегда падало)
• students have brought in a few items (Студенты принесли несколько предметов)
• We have decided (Мы решили)
• We’ve walked to school (Мы пошли в школу)
• We’ve asked our parents (Мы спросили наших родителей)

Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее завершенное длительное)
• People have been celebrating (Люди праздновали)
• We have been working (Мы работали)

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