Read the box. Find examples in the email in Ex. 4. Then turn the direct questions into indirect ones, as they would appear in a formal letter. Requesting Information

Вопрос посетителя

Read the box. Find examples in the email in Ex. 4. Then turn the direct questions into indirect ones, as they would appear in a formal letter.
Requesting Information
To request information, you can use direct or indirect questions.
Direct questions are quite common in informal letters. Some of them begin with a question word such as what, who, when, how etc. How far is the hotel frum the beach? Do we need to bring our own food?
Most indirect questions are formed with modals such as could, would etc and are normally used in semi-formal or formal letters. Could you please let me know how far the hotel is from the beach?
You use if/whether in an indirect question when there is no question word in the direct question. Do we our own food? I would like to know if/whet her we need to bring our own food.
1 How much is the monthly subscription?
> Could you please tell me how much the monthly subscription is?
2 Where do the lessons take place?
3 How many pupils are there in each class?
4 Do we have to buy our own equipment?
5 Can we borrow more than five books from the library?

Ответ эксперта

Direct questions: How old does a child have to be to join and what time are new swimmers accepted on Friday evenings?
Прямые вопросы? Сколько лет должно быть ребенку, чтобы заниматься, и в какое время принимают новых пловцов по вечерам пятниц?
Indirect questions: Could you send me some information for beginners? I was wondering if he could start having swimming lessons at your club this year. Would it also be possible for you to send me a timetable of the sessions? Could you also tell me if the annual subscription fee is the same for everybody?
Непрямые вопросы: Не могли бы вы отправить мне некоторую информацию для новичков? Мне интересно, могу ли я начать уроки плавания в вашем клубе в этом году. Было бы возможно вам отправить мне расписание сеансов? Не могли бы вы также сказать мне, ежегодная абонентская плата одинакова для всех?

2 Could you please tell me where the lessons take place? (Не могли бы вы сказать мне, где проходят уроки?)
3 Could you please tell me how many pupils there are in each class? (Не могли бы вы мне сказать, сколько учеников в каждом классе?)
4 Could you please tell me whether we have to buy our own equipment? (Не могли бы вы мне сказать, нужно ли нам покупать свое собственное снаряжение?)
5 Could you please tell me whether we can borrow more than five books from the library? (Не могли бы вы мне, пожалуйста, сказать, можем ли мы взять более пяти книг из библиотеки?)

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