Read the adverts from the «Teen Joh Opportunities» newspaper. Which of them attracts you? Why? A riding school is looking for young people who can take care of horses.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the adverts from the «Teen Joh Opportunities» newspaper. Which of them attracts you? Why?
A riding school is looking for young people who can take care of horses. Shift work. Seven days training for candidates is essential. FREE riding lessons are available.
Contact Ken Bennett
A summer language school is looking for waiters & waitresses. Three-month contract. Must be prepared to work shifts. Free board and lodging.
Write to Philippe Bassat
A British family is looking for a BABYSITTER for twins. Non-smoker. Ability to get on with kids is essential. Free board and lodging.
For details, contact Mrs Edwards

Ответ эксперта

As for me I like the advert offering job in a riding school. Even if it is necessary to work 7 days a week. I would like to have such a job because I love horses and want to have free riding lessons.
Что касается меня, мне нравится объявление с предложением работы в конной школе. Даже если необходимо работать 7 дней в неделю, я бы хотел иметь такую работу, потому что я люблю лошадей и хочу посещать бесплатные уроки езды на лошадях.

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