Read teenagers’ opinions about their homework. For questions 1 -7 write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using

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Read teenagers’ opinions about their homework.
For questions 1 -7 write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0)  I regret that we get so much homework to do every day. wish
I wish we didn’t get so much homework to do every day.
1) I’ll do my English homework regularly, I won’t have problems writing tests. if
I  do my English homework regularly.
2) My mum says, «Don’t forget about your homework.» asked
My mum   homework.
3) We were supposed to do five exercises before today’s lesson. ought
We   five exercises
before today’s lesson.
4) I don’t like doing written exercises and I’m not fond of looking up new words in a dictionary.
I   looking up
new words in a dictionary.
5) I didn’t translate the text yesterday, that’s why I got a bad mark. would
I the text yesterday.
6) Let’s do this grammar exercise first; it’s very difficult. not
Why   grammar exercise first.
7) Doing homework is boring. It   homework.

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