Read teenagers’ conversation and put the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms to express future actions. A: Have you made plans for this summer yet?

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Read teenagers’ conversation and put the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms to express future actions.
A: Have you made plans for this summer yet?
B: Yes, some. Just let me have a look at my planner. Well, in early June I_(1) the Earth to take a short expedition to Mars. The exact date hasn’t been fixed yet, but I expect the spacecraft _(2) at the very beginning of the month.
A: What will you be doing there?
B: The usual stuff. We_(3) with new samples of biological matter. We need to find out how it_(4) its features in the outer earth conditions. There’s a good chance that we_(5) to prove our theoretical hypotheses by experimental method.
A: And when are you going to be back?
B: If everything_(6) according to the plan, we _(7) here at the end of July. And after that we _(8) our grandma on the Moon. It’s a must. If we _(9) our annual family reunion party Granny will get furious. We have already reserved rooms in the hotel, actually.
A: And what is she doing there? Biological experiments too?
B: No, she’s an aerospace engineer. They’ve got a spacecraft plant there. She’s crazy about her job, and says that she_(10). But the family is her first priority anyway. And you? Where are you planning to go?
A: Shame, but I_(11) here. And I don’t think I__(12) go anywhere before the middle of August. I failed my history exam and have to resubmit the exam paper. It means that I_(13) research into the ancient technologies of the twenty first century. Boring, but I promised my mum that I__(14) all my exam assignments by her birthday, which is on the 16th of August.

Ответ от эксперта

1 ‘m leaving
2 will be launched / to be launced
3 ‘ll be experimenting
4 will change / will be changing / changes
5 ‘ll manage
6 goes
7 ‘ll be
8 are visiting
9 miss
10 ‘ll never quit
11 ‘m staying
12 ‘ll be able to
13 ‘ll have to
14 will have done

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