Read some more information from the internet about a student exchange programme and match the headings with the paragraphs. a Cultural Awareness c Language Skills

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Read some more information from the internet about a student exchange programme and match the headings with the paragraphs.
a Cultural Awareness c Language Skills e College and Career Advantage
b Lifelong Friends d School Experiences f Personal Growth
Being able to develop cultural awareness begins by understanding what culture is. Culture is the values, beliefs, assumptions and ideas that people or a society hold in common…
By becoming a foreign exchange student you will learn to be an adventurer, a traveler, and an explorer. You learn by experience…
By living in a foreign country you will learn the language by immersion. Learning by immersion is the fastest and most effective way to learn a new language. It gives you the ability to become fluent in the language by speaking it on a daily basis…
There is no better way to come to understand people of your own age group than by going to school with them. Student exchange pro grammes give you the opportunity to become truly a part of the host country and to understand your classmates…
Some of your very strongest friendships can come from people you meet through a study abroad programme. One reason for this may be the mutual fascination you have for each other because you come from different cultures…
Colleges and universities recognise the value of studying abroad and many give admission preference to students that have participated in a student exchange programme. An international experience on a CV tells a lot about a person to a potential employer. It shows experience, responsibility, integrity, flexibility, and personal strength…

Ответ от эксперта

1. a) Cultural Awareness. (культурное сознание)
2. f) Personal Growth. (Личностный рост)
3. c) Language Skills. (Знания иностранных языков)
4. d) School Experiences.(Школьный опыт)
5. b) Lifelong Friends. (Друзья на всю жизнь)
6. e) College and Career Advantage. (Преимущества колледжа и карьеры)

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