Read, match and complete a I was in the park. b No, actually we played basketball.

Вопрос от пользователя

Read, match and complete
a  I was in the park.
b  No, actually we played basketball.
c  Yes, we talked on the phone. d  No, I danced with Peter, e Yes, there was a really good
film on. f  No, he painted the living room.
1   A: Where were you yesterday?

Ответ от эксперта

а) — Where were you yesterday? — I was in the park. — Где ты был вчера? — Я был в парке.

е) — Did you watch TV last night? — Yes, there was a really good film on. — Ты смотрел телевизор вчера вечером? — Да, показывали очень интересный фильм.

b) — Did you play tennis last week? — No, actually we played basketball. — Ты играл в теннис на прошлой неделе? — Нет, на самом деле мы играли в баскетбол.

с) — Did you talk to Sue today? — Yes, we talked on the phone. — Ты сегодня говорил со Сью? — Да, мы говорили по телефону.

f) — Did Garry paint the kitchen? — No, he painted the living room. — Гарри покрасил кухню? — Нет, он покрасил гостиную.

d) — Did you dance with Paul at the party? — No, I danced with Peter. — Ты танцевала с Полом на вечеринке? — Нет, я танцевала с Питером.

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