Read and remember. 1. up/down — Go up this street, then turn left. 2. along — There are flowers all along the road to my grandma’s house.

Вопрос посетителя

Read and remember.
1.    up/down — Go up this street, then turn left.
2.    along — There are flowers all along the road to my grandma’s house.
3.    (a)round — The tourists walked around the Tower yesterday.
4.    through — I hate driving through the city during the rush hour.
5.    across — My silly puppy ran across the road.
6.    at the end (of the street) — What’s there at the end of the street?
7.    at / on the corner (of the street) — Let’s meet at the corner of our street at 8 o’clock.
8.    at the traffic lights — All the cars have stopped at the traffic lights.

Ответ эксперта

Прочитайте и запомните.
1. up / down — Go up this street, then turn left.
2. along — There are flowers all along the road to my grandma’s house.
3. (a)round — The tourists walked around the Tower yesterday.
4. through — I hate driving through the city during the rush hour.
5. across — My silly puppy rail across the road.
6. at the end (of the street) — What’s there at the end of the street?
7. at / on the comer (of the street) — Let’s meet at the comer of our street at 8 o’clock.
8. at the traffic lights — All the cars have stopped at the traffic lights.
1. вверх / вниз — Идти вверх по улице, затем повернуть налево.
2. вдоль — вдоль дороги к дому моей бабушки цветы.
3. вокруг — туристы ходили вокруг Тауэра вчера.
4. через — я испытываю крайне неприятное чувство, проезжая через весь город в часы пик.
5. поперек — Мой глупый щенок побежал поперек дороги.
6. в конце (улицы) — Что там в конце улицы?
7. в / на углу (улицы) — Давайте встретимся на углу вашей улицы в 8 часов.
8. на светофоре — Все автомобили остановились на светофоре.

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