Read and fill in How many or How much 1.How much bread do you want to buy? tomatoes are there?

Вопрос от пользователя

Read and fill in How many or How much
1.How much bread do you want to buy?
tomatoes are there?

Ответ от эксперта

  1. How much bread do you want to buy? — Сколько хлеба ты хочешь купить?
  2. How many tomatoes are there? — Сколько там помидоров?
  3. How much milk do you want in your coffee? — Сколькотебеналитьмолокавкофе?
  4. How many potatoes have we got? — Сколько у нас картошки?
  5. How much butter is there in the cake? — Сколько масла в торте?
  6. How many oranges are there in the basket? — Сколько апельси­нов в корзинке?
  7. How much sugar do we need? — Сколько нам нужно сахара?
  8. How many pineapples are there in the fridge? — Сколько анана­сов в холодильнике?
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