Read and complete. Use: was or were 1 Uncle Harry … not at work yesterday. 2 … the cake for Robbie’s birthday?

Вопрос посетителя

Read and complete. Use: was or were
1   Uncle Harry … not at work yesterday.
2  … the cake for Robbie’s birthday?
3  Larry and Lulu … at the zoo last night.
4  Mum and Dad … not at home last night.
5  Chuckles … in Larry’s room this morning.
6  … Larry and Paco in the garden an hour ago?

Ответ эксперта

Uncle Harry was not at work yesterday. — Дядя Гарри не был на работе вчера.

Was the cake for Robbie’s birthday? — Торт был на день рождения Робби?

Larry and Lulu were at the zoo last night. — Ларри и Лулу были в зоопарке вчера.

Mum and Dad were not at home last night. -Мама с папой не были дома вчера вечером.

Chuckles was in Larry’s room this morning. — Чаклз был в комна­те Ларри сегодня утром.

Were Larry and Расо in the garden an hour ago? -Ларри и Пако были в саду час назад?

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