Read and complete the dialogue. There is one extra sentence. Compare with your partner. Listen and check. Amy: What nice sunglasses! Are they new?

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Read and complete the dialogue. There is one extra sentence. Compare with your partner. Listen and check.
Amy:    What nice sunglasses! Are they new?
Jenny:    1)………
Amy:    They really suit you. Where did you get them?
Jenny:    2)………
Amy:    Whereabouts is it exactly?
Jenny:    3)………
Amy:    Were they very expensive?
Jenny:    4)………
Amy:    That’s a bargain. I think I’ll go and have a look myself on Saturday. We can go together if you like.
Jenny:    5)………
Amy:    OK! See you there.
A At Stacey’s in the town centre.
В In Crimpson Street, opposite the bakery.
С Great. 10:30 at the bus station.
D No. I would never shop there.
E No, not at all. They were only ? 2.
F Yes, I bought them a couple of days ago. I’m glad you like them.

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