Read and choose. 1 A: Tom is playing baseball! B: (a}) Yes, he loves baseball. b) Yes, he does. 2 A: Do you always go to the cinema on Sundays? B: a) I’m going out on Sundays,

Вопрос от пользователя

Read and choose.
1  A: Tom is playing baseball! B: (a}) Yes, he loves baseball. b) Yes, he does.
2  A: Do you always go to the cinema on Sundays? B: a) I’m going out on Sundays, b) Not every Sunday.
3  A: What’s she doing?
В: a) She makes a fruit salad. b) She’s making a fruit salad.

Ответ от эксперта

  1. A: Tom is playing baseball! — Том играет в бейсбол!
    B: a) Yes, he loves baseball — Да, он любит бейсбол
  2. A: Do you always go to the cinema on Sundays? — Ты всегда ходишь в кино по воскресеньям?
    В: b) Not every Sunday. — Не каждое воскресенье.
  3. A: What’s she doing? — Что она делает?
    В: b) She’s making a fruit salad. — Она делает фруктовый салат.
  4. A: Are you talking to me? -Ты со мной разговариваешь?
    В: а) Yes, I am. — Да.
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