Read and answer the questions My name’s Larry and I’m 9. I’m in Year 5 at school. I like History, PE and Maths, but my favourite subject is Art. What about you?

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Read and answer the questions
My name’s Larry and I’m 9. I’m in Year 5 at school. I like History, PE and Maths, but my favourite subject is Art. What about you?

Ответ от эксперта

  1. How old is Larry? Larry is nine years old. — Сколько лет Ларри? Ларри девять лет.
  2. What year is he in at school? He is in year five. — В каком он классе? В пятом.
  3. What’s Larry’s favourite subject? The Art is Larry’s favourite subject. — Какой у Ларри любимый школьный предмет? Изобразительное искусство.
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