Read and answer the questions 1 What was so incredible about Helen Keller? 2 What was Helen like when she was a young child? Why do you think she was like this?

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Read and answer the questions  
1 What was so incredible about Helen Keller?
2 What was Helen like when she was a young child? Why do you think she was like this?
3 How did Anne Sullivan influence Helen’s life?
4 What did Helen achieve when she was an adult?
5 What impresses you most about Helen Keller?
6 What can we learn from Helen’s life?

Ответ от эксперта

1 Helen succeeded in having a normal life despite her disabilities (Хелен добилась нормальной жизни, несмотря на ее инвалидность)
2 Helen misbehaved a lot when she was young. I think she was like this because life was very difficult for her; she wasn’t able to see or hear (Хелен дурно себя вела, когда была маленькой. Я думаю из-за того, что ее жизнь была сложной для нее; она не могла видеть и слышать).
3 Anne Sullivan helped Helen to read and write and lead a normal life (Энн Салливан помогла Хелен читать и писать и вести нормальную жизнь).
4 When Helen was an adult she got a degree from university and wrote many books (Когда Хелен повзрослела, она получила степень университета и написала много книг).
5 That she worked in her adult life to raise money for people like herself (То, что она работала, повзрослев, чтобы помочь людям, подобным ей).
6 From Helen’s life we can learn that anything is possible if we try (Из жизни Хелен мы можем уяснить, что все возможно, если постараемся).

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