Read an American girl’s letter to The RAP from Exercise 6, page 15 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Then make notes about her and yourself in the table. — Прочитайте письмо американской

Вопрос посетителя

Read an American girl’s letter to The RAP from Exercise 6, page 15 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Then make notes about her and yourself in the table. — Прочитайте письмо американской девочки в RAP из упражнения 6, стр 15 (учебник часть 2). Затем сделайте заметки о ней и о себе в таблице.

Ответ эксперта

Name: Trudy
Surname: Walker
Age: 12
Name/number of school: —
Subjects studied: French, English, maths, history, geography, physical education and science.
School starts at 09.30 a.m.
School finishes at four o’clock
Lunch at home: go home for lunch
School on Saturday: no
Likes: geography
Dislikes: maths

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