Read again and match each posting (1-4) with a heading (A-F). There is one heading that you do not need to use. Which words/phrases helped you to find the answers?

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Read again and match each posting (1-4) with a heading (A-F). There is one heading that you do not need to use. Which words/phrases helped you to find the answers?

Ответ от эксперта

1 С These terrible fraudsters are just trying to trick gullible people
(Эти ужасные мошенники просто пытаются обмануть наивных людей)
2 D The police caught them red-handed
(Полиция поймала их с поличным)
3 The attacker just came out of nowhere
(Нападающий появился из ниоткуда)
4 E This has been happening a lot lately
(Это часто случалось за последнее время)

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