Read about some popular items in British culture and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form. The Beano (0) is_ (to be) the second longest-running comics in Great Britain.

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Read about some popular items in British culture and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
The Beano (0) is_ (to be) the second longest-running comics in Great Britain.
The Beano (1)___________ {to be around) for 70 years. The Beano is so popular
that it (2)_______(to have) its own park Beanol and which (3)_________(to open)
in 2000.
British roast beef (4)______(to be) at the centre of the English national history
for more than two hundred years. British roast beef and Yorkshire pudding (5) ________ (to become) a true symbol of the English nation.
Morris dancing (6)______(tо be) a traditional English type of folk dancing which
British people (7)____________(to dance) for hundreds of years. Morris dancing is
part of the May Day celebrations that (8)___________(to organise) in Britain every
Blackpool (9) ______________ (to be) interesting to visit in autumn when at
night there is a special illuminated performance.
The first Routemaster double-decker (10) _______________ {to appear) in the
1950s. Because of different reasons, in 2005 Routemaster buses (11)____________
(to start) to disappear from London streets. Today, there are only few Routemaster
double-decker buses which (12)________    _ (to take) tourists to most famous sights
of London. People (13)______________________(to buy and transform) the double-deckers into bars, homes, and restaurants.
Fish and chips (14)_____________ (to be) the British favourite dish since the
days of Queen Victoria. The first fish and chip shop (15)____________(to open)
in London in 1860.

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