Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she was only putting the Black Madonna to the test

Вопрос посетителя

Needle thought of her type of luck after …
 (*ответ*) she had become a Catholic and had been confirmed
 Skinny had proposed to her
 Kathleen had offered her to work in her shop
 George had told her how fortunate she was
Needle thought that George needed …
 (*ответ*) mothering
 to work harder
 to take more exercise
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
 (*ответ*) coal black, by repute, with George’s features
 white, with George’s features
 brown, but did not look like her parents
 brown, with Matilda’s features
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
 (*ответ*) on Saturday mornings
 every other day
 on Friday evenings
 every Monday
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
 (*ответ*) “George’s Dark Lady”
 a beauty queen
 a local celebrity
 “George’s poor wife”
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
 (*ответ*) he had been given a bob for slot machines
 his parents had insisted on him coming home by lunch-time
 he had pulled a muscle
 he wanted to go to the cinema
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
 (*ответ*) diamond bracelet
 book of stamps
 lost toy dog
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
 (*ответ*) red-haired bookkeeper
 brunette shop-assistant
 brown-haired teacher
 blonde usherette
Oxford was … than Henry:
 (*ответ*) older and less refined
 younger and less impudent
 younger and less familiar
 younger and more refined
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
 (*ответ*) grief
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
 (*ответ*) prayed for
 was doing
 thought about
 was talking about
Raymond applied for promotion and …
 (*ответ*) got it; he became a departmental manager
 after two weeks instead of promotion he obtained demotion
 got it; he became a chief engineer
 when he didn’t obtain it, he resigned
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
 (*ответ*) a slut
 the most beautiful thing he had ever met
 a child of nature
 a clever woman
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
 (*ответ*) intercepted Elizabeth’s letter
 talked to Elizabeth
 read his wife’s diary
 overheard the conversation between Lou and Elizabeth
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
 (*ответ*) he tried to find out if there had been coloured blood in his family
 she advised him to get rid of his baby
 she refused to look at his baby
 she accused him of being a snob
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
 (*ответ*) was only putting the Black Madonna to the test
 was sure that her wish would never be granted
 was trying to deceive him because she had never wanted to have children
 was not sincere

Ответ эксперта

Needle thought of her type of luck after …
 (*ответ*) she had become a Catholic and had been confirmed
 Skinny had proposed to her
 Kathleen had offered her to work in her shop
 George had told her how fortunate she was
Needle thought that George needed …
 (*ответ*) mothering
 to work harder
 to take more exercise
Needle was told that George’s daughter was …
 (*ответ*) coal black, by repute, with George’s features
 white, with George’s features
 brown, but did not look like her parents
 brown, with Matilda’s features
Needle went to the Portobello Road …
 (*ответ*) on Saturday mornings
 every other day
 on Friday evenings
 every Monday
Needle’s Rhodesian friends referred to Matilda as …
 (*ответ*) “George’s Dark Lady”
 a beauty queen
 a local celebrity
 “George’s poor wife”
On Monday morning Summers was not eager to begin the destruction, because …
 (*ответ*) he had been given a bob for slot machines
 his parents had insisted on him coming home by lunch-time
 he had pulled a muscle
 he wanted to go to the cinema
Once Needle found a … in the cinema for which she received a reward of fifty pounds:
 (*ответ*) diamond bracelet
 book of stamps
 lost toy dog
Oxford St. John took up with a pretty …
 (*ответ*) red-haired bookkeeper
 brunette shop-assistant
 brown-haired teacher
 blonde usherette
Oxford was … than Henry:
 (*ответ*) older and less refined
 younger and less impudent
 younger and less familiar
 younger and more refined
Oxford’s love affair with his girlfriend came to …
 (*ответ*) grief
Raymond advised Lou to be careful what she …
 (*ответ*) prayed for
 was doing
 thought about
 was talking about
Raymond applied for promotion and …
 (*ответ*) got it; he became a departmental manager
 after two weeks instead of promotion he obtained demotion
 got it; he became a chief engineer
 when he didn’t obtain it, he resigned
Raymond considered Elizabeth …
 (*ответ*) a slut
 the most beautiful thing he had ever met
 a child of nature
 a clever woman
Raymond discovered that there had been black blood in Lou’s family after he had …
 (*ответ*) intercepted Elizabeth’s letter
 talked to Elizabeth
 read his wife’s diary
 overheard the conversation between Lou and Elizabeth
Raymond fell out with his mother when …
 (*ответ*) he tried to find out if there had been coloured blood in his family
 she advised him to get rid of his baby
 she refused to look at his baby
 she accused him of being a snob
Raymond had a feeling that when Lou went to the Black Our Lady and said her rosary praying for a baby she …
 (*ответ*) was only putting the Black Madonna to the test
 was sure that her wish would never be granted
 was trying to deceive him because she had never wanted to have children
 was not sincere

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