Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous to complete the dialogue. Ben: Hi, Ian. How are you?

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous to complete the dialogue.
Ben: Hi, Ian. How are you?
Ian: Hello, Ben. I’m OK, but I 1) have a lot of work to do and I 2) am trying to finish it.
Ben: Really? And I’ve called because I 3) want to invite you to my son’s party. We 4) are celebrating his graduation.
Ian: A party? It 5) sounds fun, but I 6) am staying at work till late tonight.
Ben: Again? You 7) always leave the office late!
Ian: That’s not true! But, anyway, what time 8) does the party start?
Ben: Around eight. 9) Are you coming?
Ian: Well, I 10) am thinking of coming for an hour or so and then doing some work at home.
Ben: That’s great! I’ll see you later, then!

Ответ от эксперта

1 have (Present Simple)
2 am trying (Present Continuous – Ян работает именно в настоящее время)
3 want (Present Simple, НЕ употребляется в Present Continuous, является глаголом восприятия)
4 are celebrating (Present Continuous – намерение, планирование что-то сделать)
5 sounds (Present Simple, НЕ употребляется в Present Continuous, является глаголом восприятия)
6 am staying (Present Continuous – намерение, планирование что-то сделать)
7 always leave/are always leaving (Present Simple/Present Continuous)
8 does the party start (Present Simple, расписание, спрашивает во сколько)
9 Are you coming (Present Continuous – намерение, планирование что-то сделать)
10 am thinking (Present Continuous – думает в настоящий момент)

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