Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. In pairs ask and answer questions based on the text. Alexander Graham Hell probably 0)(not/know) at the time that he

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. In pairs ask and answer questions based on the text.
Alexander Graham Hell probably 0)(not/know) at the time that he 1) …….. (invent) one of the most popular devices in modern history. In fact, he 2)…….. (work) on a hearing device when he 3)…….. (stumble) on the invention of the telephone. Bell 4)……..(try) desperately to find some way to help deaf people hear and communicate with others because he 5) …….. (live) with his deaf mother and wife and 6) ……..(experience) deaf people’s problems first hand. Bell went on to invent numerous other things, but we 7)…….. (always/remember) him for bringing us the telephone.

Ответ от эксперта

1 had invented (изобрел)
2 was working (работал)
3 stumbled (наткнулся)
4 was trying (пытался)
5 lived (жил)
6 was experiencing (познал)
7 will always remember (всегда будут помнить)

S1: Why will we always remember Alexander Graham Bell?
S2: He invented the telephone.
S1: How did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?
S2: He was working on a hearing device when he stumbled on the invention of the telephone.
S1: Why was he trying to help deaf people?
S2: He lived with his deaf mother and wife and was experiencing deaf people’s problems first hand. Etc
С1: Почему мы всегда будем помнить Александра Грэхэма Бела?
С2: Он изобрел телефон.
С1: Как Александр Грэхэм Бел изобрел телефон?
С2: Он работал над слуховым аппаратом, когда наткнулся на изобретение телефона.
С1: Почему он пытался помочь глухим людям?
С2: Он жил со своей глухой матерью и женой, и познал проблемы глухих людей на личном опыте. ит

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