Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. 1 A: Excuse me, I’d like to borrow this magazine. B: I’m sorry, but magazines cannot be taken out of the library.

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1 A: Excuse me, I’d like to borrow this magazine.
B: I’m sorry, but magazines cannot be taken out of the library.
2 A: Who won the best director award at the Oscars this year?
B: The award was given to Steven Spielberg for the third time.
3 A: I wonder what will happen to these homeless kittens?
B: Don’t worry, homes have already been found for most of them.
4 A: Did you get the tickets to the show?
B: No, because by the time I got to the theatre, all tickets had been sold.
5 A: Whatexactlydoyoudoattheanimalshelter?
В: I make sure all the animals are fed and that their cages are clean.
6 A: What are you going to wear to Sarah’s party?
В: I will not be invited. We’ve had a huge argument.

Ответ от эксперта

1 be taken
2 was given
3 have already been found
4 had been sold
5 are fed
6 will not be invited

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