Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. Complete the quiz, then listen and check. 1 When……..(the Eiffel Tower/build ? A 1889 В 1898

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. Complete the quiz, then listen and check.
1 When……..(the Eiffel Tower/build ?
A 1889 В 1898
2 What……..(the Taj Mahal/make) of?
A red sandstone В white marble
3 Why……..(the Egyptian Pyramids/build ?
A as tombs for the pharaohs В as monuments to the gods
4 Which famous monument …….. (can/see) from almost every part of the city?
A the Colosseum. Rome В the Acropolis, Athens
5 It …….. (estimate) that 2 to 3 million people died while building a monument. Which one?
A the Great Wall of China В Stonehenge
6 Which of these famous sites …….. (endanger) by tourism?
A Machu Picchu, Peru В Uluru. Australia
7 According to legend, which famous building ……..(destroy) if the ravens* ever leave it?
A Bran Castle. Romania В The Tower of London

Ответ от эксперта

1 When was the Eiffel Tower built? (Когда была построена Эйфелева башня?)
2 What is the Taj Mahal made of? (Из чего сделан Тадж-Махал?)
3 Why were the Egyptian Pyramids built? (Почему построили египетские пирамиды?)
4 Which famous monument can be seen from almost every part of the city? (Какой известный памятник можно увидеть почти из любой части города?)
5 It is estimated that 2 to 3 million people died while building a monument. (Подсчитано, что 2-3 миллиона людей умерло во время строения памятника)
6 Which of these famous sites is endangered by tourism? (Какому из этих известных мест угрожает туризм?)
7 Which famous building will be destroyed if the ravens ever leave it? (Какое известное здание будет разрушено, если вороны его покинут?)

1 В
2 В
4 В
5 A
6 А
7 В

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