Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form. 1 I remember …… (fall) off my skateboard when I was young. 2 Remember …… (lock) the door when you leave the house.

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form.
1    I remember …… (fall) off my skateboard when I was young.
2    Remember …… (lock) the door when you leave the house.
3    While she was walking home, she stopped……(buy) some sweets.
4    I stopped …… (do) my homework when my mum called me for dinner.
5    Ben will never forget …… (see) the Eiffel Tower for the first time.
6    James forgot…… (bring) his football kit to practice.
7    I have tried……(take) the bus to work, and it takes me an extra thirty minutes.
8    I tried …… (finish) the project before the deadline.
9    Getting good grades means…..(study) a lot.

Ответ от эксперта

1 falling (упал)
2 to lock (запереть)
3 to buy (купить)
4 doing (делать)
5 seeing (увидел)
6 to bring (принести)
7 taking (требуются)
8 to finish (закончить)
9 studying (учиться)

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