Put the verbs in bold into the to-infinitive or -ing form. 1 • Why don’t you try doing some of your chores during the week? Then you’ll have more free time at the weekend.

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in bold into the to-infinitive or -ing form.
• Why don’t you try doing some of your chores during the week? Then you’ll have more free time at the weekend.
• Olga tried to do her errands in the morning but she didn’t have enough time for all of them.
• I don’t understand why the neighbors complained about the noise. I remember telling them about the party weeks ago.
• Did you remember to tell our new neighbors to come to us if they need any help?
• Why don’t we stop to ask that man for directions to the hotel? It seems we’re lost!
• Can you please stop asking so many silly questions? It’s really annoying!
• When Lisa starts talking about how awful her old car is, she can go on complaining for hours!
• First she says she likes doing the housework all by herself, and then she goes on to complain that no one ever helps her!

Ответ от эксперта

1 doing, to do (doing – герундий, т.к. try в значении «пробовать»; to do — инфинитив, т.к. try в значении «пытаться»)
2 telling, to tell (telling – герундий, т.к. remember в значении «помнить»; to tell – инфинитив, т.к. remember в значении «не забыть»)
3 to ask, asking (to ask – т.к. stop в значении «приостанавливаться»; asking – герундий, т.к. stop в значении «бросать»)
4 complaining, to complain (complaining – герундий, т.к.go on в значении «продолжать»; to complain – инфинитив, т.к. go on в значении «перейти к»)

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