Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Jack, you are at the muffins again! I wish you wouldn’t. There are only two (to leave). [Takes them.] I told you I was particularly fond of muffins

Вопрос посетителя

Put the verb in brackets in the right form: . The subject (to seem) distasteful to most men
 (*ответ*) seems
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: An admirable idea! Mr. Worthing, there is just one question I would (to like) to be permitted to put to you
 (*ответ*) like
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And now that I think of it I have never (to hear) any man mention his brother. Cecily, you have lifted a load from my mind
 (*ответ*) heard
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: As for your conduct towards Miss Cardew, I must say that your (to talk) in a sweet, simple, innocent girl like that is quite inexcusable. To say nothing of the fact that she is my ward
 (*ответ*) taking
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: At the present moment I am (to eat) muffins because I am unhappy. Besides, I am particularly fond of muffins
 (*ответ*) eating
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But even men of the noblest possible moral character (to be) extremely susceptible to the influence of the physical charms of others
 (*ответ*) are
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But you have just (to say) it was perfectly heartless to eat muffins
 (*ответ*) said
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Dearest Gwendolen, there (to be) no reason why I should make a secret of it to you. Our little county newspaper is sure to chronicle the fact next week
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ernest has a strong upright nature. He is the very soul of truth and honour. Disloyalty would (to be) as impossible to him as deception
 (*ответ*) be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ernest never (to mention) to me that he had a brother
 (*ответ*) mentioned
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: How can you sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t (to make) out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless
 (*ответ*) make
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: However, I will tell you quite frankly that I have no brother Ernest. I have no brother at all. I never had a brother in my life, and I certainly have not the smallest intention of ever (to have) one in the future
 (*ответ*) having
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am afraid it is quite clear, Cecily, that neither of us (to be) engaged to be married to any one
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am afraid you must (to be)under some misconception. Ernest proposed to me exactly ten minutes ago
 (*ответ*) be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am sorry to say they have not (to be) on good terms for a long time
 (*ответ*) been
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I can (see) no possible defence at all for your deceiving a brilliant, clever, thoroughly experienced young lady like Miss Fairfax
 (*ответ*) see
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I happen to be serious about Bunburying. What on earth you are serious about I haven’t (to get) the remotest idea. About everything, I should fancy. You have such an absolutely trivial nature
 (*ответ*) got
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I haven’t quite (to finish) my tea yet! and there is still one muffin left.
 (*ответ*) finished
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I wanted to be engaged to Gwendolen, that (to be) all. I love her
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I was (to grow) almost anxious. It would have been terrible if any cloud had come across a friendship like ours, would it not
 (*ответ*) growing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I wish you would (to have) tea-cake instead. I don’t like tea-cake
 (*ответ*) have
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If it was my business, I wouldn’t (to talk) about it. [Begins to eat muffins.] It is very vulgar to talk about one’s business
 (*ответ*) talk
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If the poor fellow (to have) been entrapped into any foolish promise I shall consider it my duty to rescue him at once, and with a firm hand
 (*ответ*) has
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If you are not quite sure about your ever having been (to christen), I must say I think it rather dangerous your venturing on it now
 (*ответ*) christened
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Indeed, when I (to be) in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food and drink
 (*ответ*) am
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It (to be) very vulgar to talk about one’s business
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced in (to do) anything of the kind
 (*ответ*) doing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It usen’t to be, I know — but I daresay it is now. Science is always (to make) wonderful improvements in things
 (*ответ*) making
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It would distress me more than I can tell you, dear Gwendolen, if it caused you any mental or physical anguish, but I feel bound to point out that since Ernest (to propose) to you he clearly has changed his mind
 (*ответ*) proposed
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Jack, you are at the muffins again! I wish you wouldn’t. There are only two (to leave). [Takes them.] I told you I was particularly fond of muffins
 (*ответ*) left

Ответ эксперта

Put the verb in brackets in the right form: . The subject (to seem) distasteful to most men
 (*ответ*) seems
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: An admirable idea! Mr. Worthing, there is just one question I would (to like) to be permitted to put to you
 (*ответ*) like
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And now that I think of it I have never (to hear) any man mention his brother. Cecily, you have lifted a load from my mind
 (*ответ*) heard
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: As for your conduct towards Miss Cardew, I must say that your (to talk) in a sweet, simple, innocent girl like that is quite inexcusable. To say nothing of the fact that she is my ward
 (*ответ*) taking
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: At the present moment I am (to eat) muffins because I am unhappy. Besides, I am particularly fond of muffins
 (*ответ*) eating
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But even men of the noblest possible moral character (to be) extremely susceptible to the influence of the physical charms of others
 (*ответ*) are
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But you have just (to say) it was perfectly heartless to eat muffins
 (*ответ*) said
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Dearest Gwendolen, there (to be) no reason why I should make a secret of it to you. Our little county newspaper is sure to chronicle the fact next week
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ernest has a strong upright nature. He is the very soul of truth and honour. Disloyalty would (to be) as impossible to him as deception
 (*ответ*) be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ernest never (to mention) to me that he had a brother
 (*ответ*) mentioned
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: How can you sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t (to make) out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless
 (*ответ*) make
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: However, I will tell you quite frankly that I have no brother Ernest. I have no brother at all. I never had a brother in my life, and I certainly have not the smallest intention of ever (to have) one in the future
 (*ответ*) having
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am afraid it is quite clear, Cecily, that neither of us (to be) engaged to be married to any one
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am afraid you must (to be)under some misconception. Ernest proposed to me exactly ten minutes ago
 (*ответ*) be
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am sorry to say they have not (to be) on good terms for a long time
 (*ответ*) been
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I can (see) no possible defence at all for your deceiving a brilliant, clever, thoroughly experienced young lady like Miss Fairfax
 (*ответ*) see
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I happen to be serious about Bunburying. What on earth you are serious about I haven’t (to get) the remotest idea. About everything, I should fancy. You have such an absolutely trivial nature
 (*ответ*) got
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I haven’t quite (to finish) my tea yet! and there is still one muffin left.
 (*ответ*) finished
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I wanted to be engaged to Gwendolen, that (to be) all. I love her
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I was (to grow) almost anxious. It would have been terrible if any cloud had come across a friendship like ours, would it not
 (*ответ*) growing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I wish you would (to have) tea-cake instead. I don’t like tea-cake
 (*ответ*) have
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If it was my business, I wouldn’t (to talk) about it. [Begins to eat muffins.] It is very vulgar to talk about one’s business
 (*ответ*) talk
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If the poor fellow (to have) been entrapped into any foolish promise I shall consider it my duty to rescue him at once, and with a firm hand
 (*ответ*) has
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: If you are not quite sure about your ever having been (to christen), I must say I think it rather dangerous your venturing on it now
 (*ответ*) christened
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Indeed, when I (to be) in really great trouble, as any one who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food and drink
 (*ответ*) am
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It (to be) very vulgar to talk about one’s business
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced in (to do) anything of the kind
 (*ответ*) doing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It usen’t to be, I know — but I daresay it is now. Science is always (to make) wonderful improvements in things
 (*ответ*) making
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It would distress me more than I can tell you, dear Gwendolen, if it caused you any mental or physical anguish, but I feel bound to point out that since Ernest (to propose) to you he clearly has changed his mind
 (*ответ*) proposed
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Jack, you are at the muffins again! I wish you wouldn’t. There are only two (to leave). [Takes them.] I told you I was particularly fond of muffins
 (*ответ*) left

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