Put the adverbs of frequency into the correct position in the sentence 1 Kate plays board games, (never) 2 My friends and t play darts, (sometimes)

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the adverbs of frequency into the correct position in the sentence
1 Kate plays board games, (never)
2 My friends and t play darts, (sometimes)
3 I go windsurfing at the weekend, (often)
4 John meets his friends on Sundays, (rarely)
5 Meg’s father drives fast, (always)

Ответ от эксперта

  1. Kate never plays board games. — Катя никогда не играет в настольные игры.
  2. My friends and I sometimes play darts. — Мои друзья и я иногда играем в дартс.
  3. I often go windsurfing at the weekend. — Я часто хожу заниматься виндсерфингом по выходным.
  4. John rarely meets his friends on Sundays. — Джон редко встречается со своими друзьями по воскресеньям.
  5. Meg’s father always drives fast. — Папа Мег всегда быстро ездит.
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