Play the situation back, using Conditional III. If Alice ’s mother had not had a headache, she would not have asked Alice to turn down the music. I f she had not asked Alice to turn.down the music, Alice

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Play the situation back, using Conditional III.
If Alice ’s mother had not had a headache, she would not have asked Alice to
turn down the music. I f she had not asked Alice to turn.down the music, Alice
would not have switched o ff her stereo. I f Alice had not switched o ff her stereo,
it would not have become very quiet in the flat. I f it had not become very quiet in
the flat, Alice would not have heard a strange scratching at the door. I f Aljce had
not heard a strange scratching at the door, she would not have opened the. door. I f
she had not opened the door, she would not have seen an unhappy homeless kitten.
I f she had not seen an unhappy homeless kitten, she would not have asked
her mother to let her keep it as a pet. I f Alice had not asked her mother to let her
keep the kitten as a pet,.Alice’s mother would not have let Alice keep it as a pet.
I f Alice’s mother had not let her keep the kitten as a pet, Alice would.not had
have got a nice little friend.

Ответ эксперта

Если бы у Алисиной мамы не болела голова, она не попросила бы Алису
выключить музыку. Если бы она не попросила Алису выключить музыку,
А лиса не выключила бы свой- центр. Ерли бы Алиса не выключила свой
центр, в квартире не стало бы так тихо. Если бы в квартире не стало так
тихо, Алиса не услышала бы странный скрежет за дверью. Если бы Алиса
не услышала странный Скрежет за дверью, она не открыла бы дверь. Если
бы она не открыла дверь, она не увидела бы бедного бездомного котенка.
Если бы она не увидела бедного бездомного котенка, она не попросила бы
маму сделать его их домашним животным. Если бы Алиса не попросила
маму оставить котенка, Алисина мама не позволила бы оставить котенка.
Если бы Алисина мама, не позволила ей оставить котенка, у Алисы не было
бы такого милого маленького друга.
Неожиданное заключение: больная голова родителей помогает обзавестись

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