Peter is the main character in the book Superfudge by Judy Blume. 1) Look through the short extract from the story and make captions to the pictures according to the example.

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Peter is the main character in the book Superfudge by Judy Blume.
1)  Look through the short extract from the story and make captions to the pictures
according to the example.
Peter: Just look what I won at Jimmy Fargo’s birthday party. I’ve already named
him … Dribble!
Mum: I’m not going to take care of him! Peter: Of course you are not. He’s MY turtle. And I’m the one who’s going to take care of him.
Mum: Are you going to feed him and all that? Peter: Yes! And I’m going to make him happy!
0) This is Jimmy Fargo who had a birthday party.

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