Peter became the youngest winner of the music competition. How did Peter feel about winning? Choose the correct word (a, b, c, or d) to fill each gap (1—7). There

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Peter became the youngest winner of the music competition. How did Peter feel about winning? Choose the correct word (a, b, c, or d) to fill each gap (1—7). There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Last night I won the BBC Young Musician of the Year (0) competition. When they said my name it felt like a dream.
I felt quite (1)_____________at the competition final. But I (2) _____________
to enjoy myself. And I really enjoyed playing with the orchestra. I was happy when the
competition was (3)_____________. I felt pleased with the part I had played. I took
the (4)__                  _ music prize. It was (5) _         ________without hard work.
I first started playing the violin when I was six. I play it for about an hour
and half every day. My (6)______________is to be a violin soloist. But now I can
relax a bit and enjoy my (7) ______________! (Peter, 12)

0    а    competition    b    school    с    achievement    d    ambition
1    а    nervous    b    necessary    с    possible    d    properly
2    а    tried    b    played    с    set    d    trained
3    а    away    b    around    с    up    d    over
4    а    award    b    top    с    drama    d    same
5    а    possible    b    impossible    с    important    d    necessary
В    а    ability    b    ambition    с    achievement    d    skill
7    а    gold    b    achievement    с    schedule    d    team

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1 a  2 a 3 d  4 b  5 b  6 b  7 b

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