Paul’s friend Ann has fallen ill. What are her friends saying about this situation? Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold.

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Paul’s friend Ann has fallen ill.
What are her friends saying about this situation? Write a second sentence with
a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold.
1.  It’s a good idea to wear a warm pullover. should
You should wear a warm pullover.
2.  Stay in bed! must
3. It’s very dangerous to take medicine without a doctor’s advice. mustn’t
4.  Perhaps, it is a cold. may
5.  I’m sure she has the flu. must
6.  My advice is to stay in bed. should
7.  It’s very important to consult a doctor. must
8.  Perhaps, she is running a temperature. might
9.  I’m sure she feels awful. must

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