Pair work. Find the two conversations. What about going to th park? OK. Let’s walk the dog together. It might be interesting. And then let’s go skating.

Вопрос посетителя

Pair  work. Find the two conversations.
What  about  going  to  th park?
OK. Let’s walk the dog together. It might be interesting. And then let’s go skating.
OK. Ask them and phone me back.

Ответ эксперта

Работа в парах. Найдите два разговора.
Первый разговор:
—  What about going to the park?
—   That   would   be   nice.   But   I   should   ask my mum first. I can’t go anywhere without my parents’ permission.
—   OK. Ask them and call me back.  I’ll be waiting.
—  All right.
Второй разговор:
—  What about going to the park?
—  I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to walk my dog first. Can you wait for me?
—  OK. Let’s walk the dog together. It might be interesting. And then let’s go skating.
—  All right.

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