On their spring holidays, some French children went on a trip to England, Marie is talking about their trip. 1) How did the French children spend their time during the trip?

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On their spring holidays, some French children went on a trip to England, Marie is talking about their trip.
1) How did the French children spend their time during the trip? Two weeks ago we went on our exchange trip to England. We stayed at Springfield School. Every morning we had English lessons, and in the evenings we took part in sporting or entertaining activities. Every day we visited different famous sights1 of the capital or went on excursions2 to other cities. We spent a week in London. Everybody enjoyed the trip.

Ответ эксперта

Школа Спрингфил в Лондоне имеет связи со школой Портеля во Франции. На весенних каникулах некоторые французские ученики приезжают в Лондон.
1) Работа в парах. Клэр разговаривает с её французской подругой Мари. Она спрашивает Мари о местах, которые та посещает сейчас, или о тех, которые Мари уже посетила? Соедините вопросы Клэр с ответами Мари.
Are you enjoying the trip? — Yes, very much. The trip is very nice. We see a lot of interesting places every day.
What places did you visit yesterday? — We went to Buckingham Palace and spent some time in the Park.
Did you see the Queen? — No, we didn’t.
Were you in Hyde Park? — Yes, we were. We had a lot of fun there.

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