Nowadays most of the inventions made in the past seem to be commonplace (обычным явлением). It is difficult to imagine them as inventions. Have a look at the pictures and captions and

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Nowadays most of the inventions made in the past seem to be commonplace (обычным явлением). It is difficult to imagine them as inventions.
Have a look at the pictures and captions and say what inventions were made in the 19th and 20th centuries. Who were they made by? When were they made? What countries were the inventions made in?
It’s Difficult to Imagine It as an Invention

Ответ эксперта

By the end of the 20th century Walkman, vacuum cleaner, television, Dos, cloning, airplane and satellite have been invented.
By the end of the 19’h century telephone, cinematography, photography and first petrol driven motor car have been invented.
Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 in America. I think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
Personal stereo Sony Walkman was invented by Akito Morita in Japan. I think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
Vacuum cleaner was invented by James M. Spangler in 1908 in the USA. 1 think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
Car assembly line was invented by Henry Ford in 1908.
Television was invented by Jolin Logie Baird in 1926 in Scotland.
Photography was pioneered by Nicephore Niepce in 1929 in France. I think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
Cinematography was patented by the Lumbiere Brothers in 1895 in Paris. 1 think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
Microsoft — DOS was created by Bill Gates in 1981 in the USA.
The first airplane was built by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903 in the USA.
The idea of cloning was developed by Ian Wilmat in 1997 in Scotland.
the first petrol driving car was produced by Karl Benz in 1885 in Germany. I think that it has become commonplace nowadays.
The first artificial satellite was designed by Sergei Korolev in 1957 in Russia.

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