Now read again and answer the questions 1 Who was Neal with yesterday morning? 2 Where were they? 3 Who was the winner of the game?

Вопрос посетителя

Now read  again and answer the questions
1   Who was Neal with yesterday morning?
2  Where were they?
3  Who was the winner of the game?
4  What was on TV?

Ответ эксперта

Who was Neal with yesterday morning? Neal was with his friend, Peter. -С кем был Нил вчера утром? Нил был с другом Питером.

Where were they? They were in Neal’s room. — Где они были? Они были у Нила в комнате.

Who was the winner of the game? Peter was the winner. — Кто был победителем игры? Питер был победителем.

What was on TV? There was a film on about clowns. — Что шло по телевизору? Фильм о клоунах

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