Mr and Mrs Mills went away for the weekend. They gave Andy and Ashley a checklist of things they should do. Andy and Ashley have done some of these things (y ). Complete the dialogue between Andy and his mother.

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Mr and Mrs Mills went away for the weekend. They gave Andy and Ashley a checklist of things they should do. Andy and Ashley have done some of these things (y ). Complete the dialogue between Andy and his mother.
Mother: Is everything OK? Andy: Oh, yes, everything’s OK. Mother: (0) Have you had breakfast?
Andy: (1) Yes, we___________
Mother: (2) Have you __________ Sparky?
Andy: (3) Yes, we___________
Mother: (4) __________ you given Sparky some water?
Andy: (5)
Mother: (6)  
Andy: (7)
Mother: (8)
Andy: (9) __
Mother: (10) Andy: (11) _ Mother: (12) Andy: (13) _
Mother: Don’t forget to do it. Bye

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