Mel and Unda are discussing their plans. Will their plans depend on the weather? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.

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Mel and Unda are discussing their plans.
Will their plans depend on the weather? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.
—  What (0) are you going to do (do) at the coming weekend, Mel?
—    My   parents   and   I   have   planned   so   many   things.    We (1) __________(go) to Brighton on Friday evening.
—  It’s a great place!
—  I agree. I think in sunny weather I (2)__________(take part) in
the swimming competition. On Saturday we (3) ___________ (visit)
the    famous    Pavilion    in    the    afternoon.    And    at    7   pm   we
(4)_________(go to) the concert at Brighton Dome. And what about
—  We haven’t seen my Grandma for a month. We (5) ___________
_____(visit) her. I am sure she (6)_________ (be) happy to see us

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