Match to form collocations. Then use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences. to move to sit to practise

Вопрос от пользователя

Match to form collocations. Then use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences.
to move
to sit
to practise
to throw to lose
a   a party
b   house
с   something valuable
d   a musical
instrument e   an exam

В    1   We  .. Ournew
address is 58 Whitehart Road, Portsmouth.
2   I  … this afternoon
and I feel very stressed.
3   Howabout  … for
your birthday?
4   What  are you  looking for?  Have you … …,. ?
5   Helen   always   complains   unless   she
6   Is there a room at school where students can… …..?

Ответ от эксперта

1-b to move house
2-e to sit an exam
3-d to practise a musical instrument
4-a to throw a party
5-c to lose something valuable

1 — We have moved house. Our new address is 58 Whitehart Road, Portsmouth.
2 — I am sitting an exam this afternoon and I feel very stressed.
3 — How about throwing a party for your birthday?
4 — What are you looking for? Have you lost something valuable?
5 — Helen always complains unless she has things her way.
6 — Is there a room at school where students can practise playing a musical instrument?

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